
In the summer of 2015, I was called to two

churches in far southwest Kansas. Coming from

Omaha, Nebraska, a relatively large urban center

to the rural farming and ranching community

where I live now was kind of a culture shock.

One of the biggest differences was how dark it

gets out in the country. We have streetlights in

town, but it can get pretty dark pretty quick the

farther out you get. Darkness is one of those

primal things – you can get over the childish fear

of just being in the dark, but most of us are never

truly comfortable not being able to see what’s

going on around us. Maybe it is an all too human

control thing, wanting mastery over our situation

and environment, but the darkness can often

confuse us and hide things that could potentially

harm us. Even if we’re not afraid of the dark

anymore, a healthy respect for it is certainly in


The Creation story from Genesis tells us that God

spoke light into being to bring order to chaos. He

sent Jesus to be the light for all humankind, to

restore order to our world which had descended

into chaos once again due to our selfishness and

disobedience. Jesus told us that we are the light of

the world, called to bring the brightness of God’s

love to everyone, everywhere. In Acts, we see the

fire of the Holy Spirit illumine the disciples and

energize their ministry. God’s plan is for us to

work with Him, to be partners in that continuing

ministry. What a wonderful gift! What an

awesome responsibility!

Are you in a dark place? God can bring you into

His light if you call on Him. Are you ready to be

God’s light in the world? You may feel inadequate

in the face of all that requires. If so, you’re in good

company. Nearly everyone we hear God call in

scripture says they are not up to the challenge.

God provided comfort and capability for them, and

He will equip you as well!

Father of light, in You there is no darkness at all.

Help us to see that we can reflect Your light and

love in a world that is desperately seeking hope.

Show us Your plan for our lives and make us burn

brightly for You! Amen.

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