Daily Prayer 2/21/19

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (Luke 6:31) The Golden Rule Jesus taught us was to treat people the way we want to be treated. It means acting in ways that show our love for Christ in our daily interactions with others, giving what we’d like to receive. What if they don’t follow the Golden Rule? We are called to obey no matter what.

Loving Lord, it’s hard for us to love those who seem indifferent or hostile. We hear Your lesson and see Your example, but we still find ourselves angry when we are ignored or mistreated. Teach us how to better love each other, especially when it is difficult to do so. In Your name we pray, Amen.

1 Comment

  1. It is interesting that there is no contingent clause, no “if”. It doesn’t say to treat others well if they treat you well. For that was certainly not my posture before coming to Christ. Yet He loved me.

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