Daily Prayer 3/7/19

Jesus answered him, “It is said, ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” (Luke 4:12)

There is a difference between asking God for help and asking Him to prove Himself. Satan challenges Jesus in this way when he says “if you’re really the son of God…”. We hear Jesus similarly challenged by the mob when they taunt him on the cross. These are cases of “my will be done” rather than “Thy will be done”.

God hears our prayers when we ask for things earnestly, but sometimes the answer is “not yet” or “no”. Our loving Father knows what we need and provides for us, even when we don’t see His hand in our lives. Don’t put God to the test, no matter what the situation, He is there for us.

Gracious God, we know we can rely on Your love and care for us. Help us to be more faithful and place our trust only in You.

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