
During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.
Acts 16:9-10

Paul also received a call from God in a vision to go share the Good News. Like Peter, he encountered resistance from some of the other apostles, but as his ministry in far flung places grew, so did their respect for him. Paul was a vigorous church planter and letter writer, teaching and baptizing all over the ancient world.

In this passage Paul has been called to Macedonia to preach. Never a hesitant man, he goes to one of the cities there to begin his work. As we will hear, he meets with conflict and success while he is there. This is a lesson we should learn, that we will encounter opposition as we share God’s love, but we must persevere even when it is difficult.

Like Paul, we are called to give our testimony to an often unbelieving world. Paul endured hardships we may not be called to face, but we must remember his example when we are frustrated or dismayed in our ministry efforts. Jesus said we are blessed when people persecute us for His sake (Matthew 5:11). We are called to share the Gospel of Jesus no matter what!

Gracious God, thank You for making us part of Your saving work here on earth. When it is hard, strengthen us; when we meet resistance, make us bold. Help us to know You are always with us as we go to spread the Good News. Amen.

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