
Our scripture this week is Luke 8:1-8.

The widow in this parable didn’t seem to stand a chance. In that culture, with no husband or son to stand up for her, how could she possibly receive justice from a judge who didn’t care and had no relationship with God? Jesus tells us how we can all have hope against seemingly insurmountable odds.

As He begins this story, verse 1 says “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” He teaches us the value of persistence and consistency in our faith. We must do the right thing time after time, regardless of the circumstances.

In John 13:35 Jesus says “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” This consistent practice of faith will keep us connected to Him and to each other. We have been taught that following Him will not be easy, but by persisting in the love He showed us, and sharing that love with others, we can be saved.

Gracious God, we are often weak, but through Your love we are strengthened and made whole for Your purpose. May our faith be persistent in a world that challenges our relationship with You, and may we be good stewards of all Your gifts. Amen.

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