
Our scripture this week is Matthew 4:1-11.

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.
Matthew 4:1-2

Jesus had to be able to withstand the same earthly circumstances we encounter in order to be our example. He was fully divine but also fully human, something we find difficult to understand, but because of His humanity He was subject to the same wants, desires and frailties as are we.

As the Spirit led Him into the wilderness, He was likely apprehensive about the trials He would face. As He did with every challenge, Jesus shared this with God in prayer. This was His confidence, that no problem was too large or small for Him to bring to our Heavenly Father. Jesus chose to rely on God rather than His own strength.

We have the same gift and can enjoy the same confidence, that God will hear our prayers and be with us in every situation. We sometimes forget that while Jesus was special, we have been blessed in the same way as He was, to approach God and share everything with Him whenever we want. Use your birthright as a child of God to go to Him!

Gracious God, You have called us to be Your representatives here on earth, but also members of Your own family. Thank You for Your presence with us, that we may come to You in prayer. Amen.

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