Our scripture this morning is 2 Corinthians 9:6-9.
Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say, “They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.”
Paul reminds the Corinthians (and us) of how to be blessed with words from Psalm 112: “They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.” This is how God wants us to see our obligation to help others. We don’t give to be seen and recognized nor is our giving forced.
He writes that we “must each decide in your heart how much to give”, a matter between us and God. However, we are told that small plantings only yield a small crop. God wants us to plant the seeds of faith and love in generous measure wherever we are.
As we begin our week, may we consider to whom we give, how we give, and how much. Remember, money is only one way to give; our time and talent are gifts given to us to share as well. God has blessed us with resources we can use to help others, may we show them His love through our outreach.
Gracious God, You have given us everything we have. Strengthen us in faith to go in Your name to share Your love with the world. Amen.