Our scripture this morning is Psalms 113:1-5.
Praise the Lord! Praise, you servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord! May the Lord’s name be praised now and forevermore! From east to west the Lord’s name is deserving of praise. The Lord is exalted over all the nations; his splendor reaches beyond the sky. Who can compare to the Lord our God, who sits on a high throne?
While the psalms express a variety of human emotions, praise is part of nearly every psalm we have. In this passage we hear that He is to be praised “from east to west” and “His splendor reaches beyond the sky”. We recognize that God is greater than anything because He made everything!
As our maker, we owe Him praise and thanks for our very being. We were created in His image to be in relationship with Him. We are also given the capability to choose things for ourselves, not behaving with blind instinct.
Sometimes that instinct is powerful and we need the presence of the Holy Spirit and the love He has given each of us to share in order to behave as His people. This isn’t always easy, and Jesus told us it would be difficult to follow Him. However, He promised to be with us always and His promise will never fail.
Gracious God, we are grateful that You love and care for us. Help us to share that love and care with the world. Amen.