Our scripture this morning is 2 Timothy 3:14-17.
You, however, must continue in the things you have learned and are confident about. You know who taught you and how from infancy you have known the holy writings, which are able to give you wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the person dedicated to God may be capable and equipped for every good work.
Paul’s letters to Timothy have lessons for us as well, even after two thousand years. He reminds us of those who nurtured us in faith, that we might choose to follow Jesus. He tells of how the scriptures are “inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness”.
Scripture is a gift from God, the story of our relationship with Him and each other. It always speaks His truth and shows all our successes and faults. It teaches us that He is the source of all good and willing to share His abundance with us. When we choose wrongly, scripture helps to lead us back to the path He intends for us.
His word helps us to be ready to go in His name, “capable and equipped for every good work”. This is our call to be part of His plan, that everyone might know His love and forgiveness. God has gifted us richly and we are expected to share our gifts with the world.
Loving Lord, we are sorry for the times we have strayed from Your word, ignoring the needs of others. Help us to be good stewards of the Good News, bringing Your word to all. Amen.