Our scripture this morning is Numbers 6:24-26.
[24] The Lord bless you and keep you; [25] the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; [26] the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.
When I was younger I thought this blessing was a follow-on to the Lord’s Prayer. At the end of our worship service we said the Lord’s Prayer as a congregation and then the pastor gave this benediction. I learned later that it comes from the Old Testament, showing that God’s love for us and His desire to be in relationship with us has existed since the beginning.
As the recipient of God’s blessing, Israel was to bless the nations (Genesis 12:3). God’s chosen people were special, but their blessing brought responsibility: they were called to share His word and His love to everyone. This was a difficult task in that place and time but people of faith have stood together against adversity to spread the word of God ever since.
Our task is the same today, to share the Good News everywhere. God continues to watch over His children, His promise is eternal. May the Lord bless us and keep us always!
Heavenly Father, we are thankful for all Your many gifts, none more important than Christ’s sacrifice for us. Send us in Your name that all the world may know Your love. Amen.