Our scripture this morning is Ephesians 5:1-2.
Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.
By “imitating God” as Paul puts it, we give up living life on our own terms to follow Christ’s example. Just as human children are taught by their earthly parents, we must learn the ways of our Heavenly Father and share His love with the world because we are His “dear children.” God wants us to choose Him and follow His commandments out of love for Him and one another.
How do we best imitate our Lord? “Live a life of love” Paul writes. Following Him means more than learning the lessons, we have to put them into practice. This is where we usually have trouble. Knowing the things Jesus taught is only the first step, now we have to live as He did.
God has called us from the very beginning to be like Him. He created us from love in His very own image. We are to care for His creation and that includes each other. When we fell into sin, Jesus came as the sacrifice for our redemption. Let us live in the forgiveness He has promised!
Loving Lord, thank You for all Your many gifts, none as wonderful as Your Son coming to save us. Strengthen us in faith and send us to show the world Your love. Amen.