Our scripture this morning is Leviticus 20:26.
You must be holy because I, the Lord, am holy. I have set you apart from all other people to be my very own.
This statement from God comes among a variety of religious and societal laws He has given the people. God had freed them but they were not a nation; they had no laws or traditions other than what had been passed down during their captivity in Egypt. This was part of the reason for their dissatisfaction and grumbling and the cause of their wandering in the desert until they learned obedience.
God wanted to protect the covenant relationship between Him and His people. The long list of instructions against religious, family and societal offenses were to keep them from becoming like the pagans around them who did whatever they wanted. Because God is holy, He wants His children to be holy also.
All of this stems from God’s love and His desire for us to be connected to Him. He chose a group of people to be set apart from the rest of the world as an example. Sadly, we have demonstrated our human willfulness time after time, but God loves us too much to give up.
Gracious God, You created us in Your image out of love and put that love within us. Help us to see that Your plan for us is better than anything we could imagine for ourselves. Bless us to be the bearers of the Gospel to all the world. Amen.