
Our scripture this morning is Luke 1:45.

You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.

This verse is spoken by Elizabeth, mother-to-be of John the Baptist, to Mary, mother-to-be of Jesus Christ our Lord. These two women had been chosen by God for very special and similar purposes. John would be the first prophet of God to Israel in over 400 years, the forerunner of Jesus, preparing the way. Jesus would complete the earthly part of God’s plan of salvation. On this Mother’s Day we remember the women who brought all of us into this world and these two special women who said “yes” to God’s call on their lives. May we all believe the Lord will do what He said.

Loving Lord, in Your mercy You sent Jesus to show us the way to be reconciled to You. Thank You for all the nurturers who have taught us how to love You and one another. Amen.

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