
Our scripture this morning is Genesis 2:1-3.

So the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was completed. On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation.

God pauses to rest on the seventh day, declaring it holy. We are blessed and encouraged to follow a pattern of work and rest in our lives as well. God wasn’t worn out from His creating work, but we tire physically and spiritually, and need to rest in Him to be refreshed.

The Sabbath is important to us because we are called to stop and pay attention to what God has done for us. We are invited to be in His presence constantly but remembering the Sabbath goes back to the very act of Creation. Through this conscious pause we can express our wonder and thanks for our very existence.

This rhythm is part of our relationship with God. He has given us the responsibility to care for His creation, and that includes one another. Sabbath is a return to Him, a time of reflecting on our relationship and what else we still have to accomplish. The work must continue, but we celebrate Sabbath to give thanks to God for His love and care.

Loving Lord, You created us in Your image and gave us a beautiful world to live in and manage in Your name. Help us to see the needs of others that they may receive the blessing of Sabbath and rest in Your love. Amen.

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