Our scripture this morning is Psalms 23:1-3.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake.
This weekend we’ll be taking a look at the 23rd Psalm and the calm contentment it gives to us. It speaks to our trust in the Lord and our confidence in His love for us. He watches over us because He created us in His own image and wants only the best for us.
The example of humans as sheep is not a very flattering one but it is sadly appropriate. Sheep have been known to wander off on their own and a lone sheep is an easy target for predators. When we fall away from God’s people and His love we endanger ourselves spiritually.
God wants more than anything to lead us to His green pastures and still waters so we may be safe in His love. He has shown us the way to this eternal rest but it is up to us to follow His right paths. We must decide to accept His love and His way for us.
Gracious God, in Your love You sent the Good Shepherd, Your son Jesus Christ, to free us from our sin and show us the way back to Your loving care. Bless us to share this joy with all the world. Amen.