Our scripture this morning is Psalms 40:1-3.
I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.
Waiting patiently can be very hard. In our fast paced society, even a minute of delay can cause us irritation. This psalm of David encourages us not to impose our timing and our solutions on things immediately, but rather to seek God’s will in all things.
God has called us to act boldly in His name, but also to wait on His timing and His answer. Isaiah 40:31 tells us “those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength”. When we are worn out by trying to solve things ourselves, God invites us to rest in Him and see His strength where ours has failed.
God has gifted us with reason and free will to make decisions. However, when we ask for His help we bring the only real power there is into the equation. God wants so much to be a part of our lives and help us with our issues, but only when we ask. We must choose to give our lives to Him each day.
Heavenly Father, we are grateful for all Your gifts and Your mercy to us. Help us to be patient when we face difficult things, waiting for Your love and guidance. Amen.