
Our scripture this morning is Luke 12:39-40 (NLT).

Understand this: If a homeowner knew exactly when a burglar was coming, he would not permit his house to be broken into. You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.

This warning from Jesus to always be ready for His return is repeated in Matthew 24:42 and Acts 1:7. He also tells us not to spend time trying to figure out when that will be, simply because that takes time away from our assigned kingdom work. What happens if He returns while we are “figuring” instead of serving?

Loving God and one another, and going to make disciples are the tasks He left for us. If the time of His return were important to our salvation, He would have taught us. Instead, He specifically told us not to worry about it but to continue our work to be ready.

We can get wrapped up in details and then essential things like evangelism take a back seat until we figure them out. Distraction is one of evil’s most insidious weapons. We don’t need to be defeated if we can be diverted. May we focus on our purpose!

Loving Lord, we are sorry when we go off Your path, seeking our own answers. Forgive us and reorient us to the goal You have set for us. Amen.

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