
Our scripture this morning is Romans 3:23-24 (NLT).

For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.

It is a fact we can’t deny – we have all sinned. Our sins are as different as we are, and all sin separates us from God. We all know our sin, and evil uses that self-knowledge to deepen our guilt and further separate us from the Father.

God knows when we are apart and has made a way for us to be reconnected to Him through the gift of His Son. When we come to Him in honest repentance and accept His forgiveness, we can be restored in His grace, ready to continue the work He has given us.

Sin doesn’t get the final word in our lives and certainly not in the kingdom of God. In John 21 we read of Jesus appearing to His disciples and forgiving Peter his denial. He is always ready to take us back and send us to the mission field to share His love.

Gracious God, You have forgiven us when we don’t deserve it and brought us back into Your plan for all things. May we be the disciples of today, going to everyone to share the Gospel. Amen.

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