Our scripture this morning is Psalms 133:1-3 (NLT).
How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony! For harmony is as precious as the anointing oil that was poured over Aaron’s head, that ran down his beard and onto the border of his robe. Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon that falls on the mountains of Zion. And there the Lord has pronounced his blessing, even life everlasting.
I began college as a music major and one of the first things we learned in Music Theory was that two or more voices or instruments on the same pitch is called unison, while different pitches at the same time formed harmony. This is the lesson from Psalm 133, that living together in harmony means we have different gifts and different callings, working together for the goal God has set for us, “even life everlasting”.
Some translations say “unity” rather than harmony. We should be united in Christ’s love, all following His teaching. However, I think harmony better defines how we serve Him in different ways according to how we have been gifted. All gifts are necessary for our kingdom work, and we must use these together.
In harmony, it is necessary to listen to each other and adjust our pitch and volume to maintain the effect the composer intended. In life we must listen to each other and find ways to adjust our behavior so that all are cared for and have a chance to use their gifts as well. Jesus taught us to love one another and that means unity, may our harmony reach all God’s children.
Loving Lord, we know we don’t always live in harmony and for this we ask forgiveness. Help us to find our place in the heavenly song and lead others to be part of it. Amen.