
Friends, I need prayers for my mom (91), taken by ambulance this morning in Chicago, infection making her dizzy and confused. Thank you!

Our scripture this morning is Jonah 1:17 (NIV).

Now the Lord provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.

Most of us know the story of Jonah and the whale, but do we know the meaning of the lesson? God called Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh to warn them against the wicked lives they lived. Instead of obeying God, Jonah ran away. 

During his “escape” from God he encountered a storm at sea, confessed that he was the probable reason and was thrown overboard at his request. God sent an unlikely rescue, “and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.” While this doesn’t sound very pleasant, it was God’s way of giving Jonah a “time out”, not as punishment, but as an opportunity to think.

Later, while he obeys God’s call and is successful in convincing the people of their need for repentance, he is angry that they have repented and God will not destroy the city! How often is this the case with us, wanting others to “get what’s coming to them” rather than rejoicing at their return to fellowship with the Lord? We need to see all God’s children as beloved brothers and sisters, and if they are worthy of His love, they are certainly more than worthy of ours!

Gracious God, forgive us for our lack of forgiveness toward others. Help us to see Your face in everyone, and to know them as our own family. Amen.

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