
Our scripture this morning is Jude 1:20-22 (NLT).

But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, and await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will bring you eternal life. In this way, you will keep yourselves safe in God’s love. And you must show mercy to those whose faith is wavering.

The Letter of Jude is a book that contains a lot of great information in a very short space. It is only a single chapter, but it has impacted generations of Christians. This passage speaks of our duty to each other in the faith, calling us to “build each other up.”

It reminds us that Christ’s return is assured, but we must wait for the time the Father has appointed. Waiting is not something we are naturally inclined to, preferring to take action ourselves. This is often the cause of our issues, leading us to trust in our own methods rather than what we have been taught.

Jude writes that even those “whose faith is wavering” deserve our love and care. He specifically tells us to show them mercy, as Christ Himself would do. Jesus intentionally sought out those who had no hope and showed them God’s love. We are all called to go in His name to do the same.

Gracious God, in Your mercy You sent Your son to show us how to live in You and for You. Bless us to take the love we have received into the world and share it with everyone. Amen.

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