
Our scripture this week is Matthew 5:1-12.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Matthew 5:4-5

Jesus continues His teaching with explanations of how we are blessed when we have certain attitudes or are in certain situations. Some of these may not sound like things we would ask for or intentionally do, but Jesus shows how these can strengthen our relationship with God.

He tells us that even when we are suffering loss, He will be there to comfort us. This has a double meaning – we are not promised we will never be sad, but we know God will stand beside us in our sorrow, bringing us through dark times. The meek inheriting the earth is likely a strange teaching to a people under oppression, as Israel was at that time, but Jesus says we are to be patient and trust in God for victory and release.

In each of these, Jesus has a specific lesson to be applied to our lives. We can face sorrow and those who stand against us knowing that God is with us, especially in troubled times. Hold firm to the love He sends us all, and look to God for comfort and peace.

Gracious God, we know we can count on You even when we are in painful situations. Strengthen us through faith to endure trying times and show others Your love through our persistence. Amen.

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