Jesus was already indicating the sacrifice He would make for us in this week’s passage (Luke 13:31-35). He tells us He will complete His work in three days, a reference to His Crucifixion, burial and Resurrection. Jesus was well aware of what God called Him to do, and was willing to do all of it for us.
What are we willing to do for Him? He asks us to take up our cross and follow Him, knowing that we too may have to sacrifice our wealth, our pride and even our lives. That’s hard to hear for many of us, but it is the reality of God’s call. Jesus says “I gave everything for you, are you willing to give everything for me?”
As we worship today, may we remember His coming and His eternal love for us, so great that He was willing to suffer to win us back from sin. May we be willing to go where He sends us and give as He gave for us.
Lord, open our hearts and minds today as we observe your Sabbath. Help us to see the needs of the world around us and be the change You call us to be. May our lives show what Your love has done for us and help others find that connection for themselves. Amen.