Our scripture this morning is Isaiah 43:18-19 (NLT).
But forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
Isaiah brings a warning from God regarding the people’s sin, but includes God’s promise that they are not lost. The Lord says “For I am about to do something new.” In His mercy, God was already working to save us from ourselves.
We often try to do things our own way, but without God as the center point of our lives, our efforts are wasted. We still haven’t learned the lessons from long ago about God’s love and care for His children and our responsibility to share that with the world.
God reminds us through the prophet of the things He has done for us previously, but tells us of the salvation that awaits us if we stay in relationship with Him and each other. His covenant with us is stronger than any sin we can commit, and He waits for us to repent and return in faith.
Heavenly Father, we ask Your forgiveness for our human outlook and our selfish ways. Remold us in Your image that we may be the representatives of Your love to all the world. Amen.