
The lesson from Luke 16:19-31 has much to say about how we use our wealth and the gifts God gives us. It’s not wrong to be wealthy, but God has expectations for those of us who are better off than others. We are called to be generous to others because God has been generous to us.

So what does it mean to be generous? Is it just giving a portion of our earnings to the church to “do good things”? That’s a part of it, but God has more for us to do. Are we aware of the issues and needs in our community and the world? We must be willing to get involved, not just write a check to avoid dealing with things personally. Jesus called us to go and do, to be an active part of the spread of God’s kingdom.

How can we be involved effectively? Pray about what God asks of you. Listen to what stirs your heart and go find ways to be useful in His work to help others. While our monetary gifts are important, our personal outreach and being willing to spend our time are also necessary. Jesus told us to “love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12), and this is one way to obey that command.

Gracious God, we have been blessed extravagantly by Your love. Help us to share that wonderful blessing with all Your children here through the giving of our time as well as our treasure. Amen.

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