Our scripture this morning is 2 Timothy 2:15 (NLT).
Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.
Is hard work the way to salvation? That’s not what Paul is saying here. He is encouraging his student Timothy to work hard at spreading the Good News as a response to God’s love. There are others who are teaching false things and Timothy is Christ’s representative in the truth.
Paul writes that those who share the Gospel need not be ashamed of their previous lives. God has forgiven us and we are called to give up our shame as a testament to the mercy God offers. We can’t make ourselves worthy, but God has declared us worthy as children created in His image.
Paul tells us that we must “correctly explain the word of truth.” Scripture is neither a license to do as we please, nor a stick to attack others. Scripture is an open, inviting hand that leads us to an understanding of God’s love and His plan for us. We all need this word of truth in our lives and we are sent by the Father to proclaim it to the world.
Loving Lord, help us to know Your will through our study of Your word. Bless us to be the disciples of today, carrying the Good News to everyone. Amen.