
Our scripture for this week, Luke 10:25-37, begins with a legal expert asking a question to test Jesus. As we often discover, it is Jesus who is testing and teaching us by leading us to answer our own questions. Jesus often taught this way, and as we see, it is very effective.

The legal expert knew the scripture but wanted a definite answer, a boundary after which we don’t need to obey. By asking “who is my neighbor?” he seeks to limit his responsibility. Peter was after the same thing when he asked how often to forgive in Matthew 18:21 – surely there is a point where we can stop. Jesus answer to both of them is consistent, and doesn’t let them out of their obligation. We must forgive more times then we can count and love everyone as our neighbor.

God’s commandments are like His love, applicable to all and eternal. We must be ready to love and forgive no matter what the situation. When we do this for our brothers and sisters, Christ says we also do it for Him (Matthew 25:40).

Gracious God, we are thankful for Your love and Your patience as we sometimes struggle to understand our place in creation and our responsibilities. Help us to see everyone as our neighbor and to love them as we love You. Amen.


The parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 teaches us several different things – who is your neighbor, love your neighbor and don’t make assumptions about other people. Jesus used an example His followers would recognize to help them better understand.

The ones who passed by were authority figures, people with access to resources that might have been useful. However, they didn’t stop, for whatever reason. Were they too busy? Were they frightened? We don’t know from the parable, and while Jesus doesn’t call them out directly, the accusations are definitely implied. Jesus teaches us there is no valid reason not to help.

We are also taught about not assuming things about “others”, those with whom we don’t associate, people who may live differently. Jesus tells us often the unexpected can occur because even though we are different, these are the neighbors God tells us to love.

We show our love for God by loving our neighbors. We can’t do or give anything directly to God, but we can care for His beloved children as He commanded. Our treatment of each other is important to God, and we must learn to care for each other to be like Jesus.

Loving Lord, we are grateful for Your mercy and care for us. Help us show the same mercy and care to our neighbors, and love You by loving the world. Amen.


The next day he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said, ‘Take care of him; and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend.’ Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”
Luke 10:35-37

Why did Jesus pick the people He did as examples in His parable? A priest and a Levite from the Temple and a…Samaritan? We know what a priest is but the other two may make us Google their meaning. Perhaps if we put modern labels on them it would make more sense. How about the pastor and the chair of the worship committee, those are familiar. But a Samaritan?

Samaria was a region in between Galilee and Judea, populated by people who worshiped God, but in a different manner than the Jews. They were social and religious rivals, and Scripture says they did not associate with each other (John 4:9). For Jesus to use a Samaritan as the good guy would have been a shock to His followers. Think of any group that has a negative connotation in your mind (but be charitable!) and use that as your “Samaritan”.

Jesus is teaching us that God’s mercy is unlimited, given freely to all, and that we must show mercy in the same way. We must also recognize that the neighbors He gives us may be from a rival group, but we are all His children. Finally, He wants us to see that even members of these rival groups can know His love, and they too can show His mercy to others. Think carefully about that before speaking unkindly of someone from a rival group today.

Gracious God, we are called to love and care for our neighbors, without deciding who is a neighbor or if they deserve it. Everyone is our neighbor and we have a responsibility from You to care for them all. Amen.


In the same way, a Levite, when he arrived at the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan on his journey came up to him, and when he saw the man, he had compassion. He went over to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on olive oil and wine. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
Luke 10:32-34

Have you ever really gone out of your way to care for someone? Did you put their needs ahead of your own, using your time and your money? Most people are willing to help others to a point, as long as the time or cost isn’t too great, or perhaps dangerous.

The Samaritan in this story not only provided first aid, he took the injured man to a safe place and cared for him. That’s a pretty big deal! Jesus calls us all to care for others in much the same way, and sometimes it means putting ourselves out, adjusting our schedule and expending our resources. Does it mean taking crime victims to our homes and caring for them personally? Perhaps – it depends on the situation.

Jesus was teaching us to worry about our neighbors first, to use what we have been given to bless them, meeting their needs where necessary. Sometimes it’s just a small thing – a ride to work when their car is in the shop, mowing the lawn while they’re out of town. But as the scripture shows us, we need to be prepared to help in larger ways as we are able. Don’t pass by on the other side! Our neighbors need our help!

Loving Lord, we are sometimes afraid to help. We fear danger, continuing commitment, loss of resources and public opinion. Help us help our neighbors without fear, and make us strong in Your love. Amen.


In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side.
Luke 10:30-31

“He passed by on the other side.” Is there a sadder statement anywhere? Someone is in trouble and we ignore it. Someone is in need and we do nothing. I understand we are not all first responders and some situations are beyond our personal means to resolve, but to do nothing is to reject our responsibility to each other and to God.

Mother Theresa of Calcutta was revered for her ministry with the poor, doing work personally and encouraging others to support her efforts. She once said “If you can’t feed a hundred people, feed just one”. She teaches us that when we look at a huge problem we are often overwhelmed and think we can never solve it. Instead, we should choose an action we can accomplish, becoming part of the solution.

Bishop Desmond Tutu said “There comes a point when we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream to find out why they’re falling in.” There are systemic problems in our world that need our collective attention, but we must not stop helping individuals while we analyze. Jesus taught us that our gifts can be used right where we are in the situations we face everyday. Use what God has given you to love your neighbor and show your love for God.

Gracious God, we are all called to be part of Your work, sharing Your love with a broken world. Give us courage and strength to go to our neighbors, and never pass by on the other side. Amen.


“You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.” But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
Luke 10:28-29

Jesus tells the legal expert in our scripture passage that he has the right answer, but the man still has more questions. Jesus is always ready to answer us, but we are often blind to what He has already taught us or willfully ignorant. While this story began with the man testing Jesus, the situation is changing.

We hear the wisdom and love Jesus gives us, but we are sometimes unable to make it fit our view of ourselves and our world – and that is our problem. Instead of fitting the teaching into our understanding, we must put ourselves into what we have heard, accepting the love and responsibility that goes with that gift. This is what we are called to do, changing our hearts and lives based on His example.

Like Peter asking how many times to forgive (Matthew 18:22), we want specifics, a limit after which we are free to ignore the teaching. The legal expert asks “who is my neighbor” to determine where the line is drawn. Jesus doesn’t allow that option, and leads us to see that like Him, our love and forgiveness must be infinite.

Loving Lord, we have been taught to love You and our neighbor as ourselves. Help us to see everyone as a brother or sister in Christ, loving the world as You do. Amen.


On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ”
Luke 10:25-27

The legal expert asking Jesus about eternal life was trying to force Him to give an answer that could then be debated and disproved. Instead, Jesus asks a question of him and the legal expert, used to responding, answers quickly according to the law. Jesus has turned the tables, showing this man that God has already given us the answers, we must now understand and accept them.

We’ve all encountered that situation – someone asks us a question, not really wanting the true answer but only to debate or change what they know is the correct response. We do this with God all the time. We already know the answer but we’d like a different one, an exception, an “out”. God is a patient and loving parent, but He is also constant and consistent. His answers are always the same.

Jesus will have more to say about this, not because the truth ever changes, but to help us understand God’s love. The legal expert has it right in this case – to love God and love others is the way to eternal life. When we accept this truth and begin to practice it, we obey God’s law.

Gracious God, we are constantly looking for a loophole, an escape clause that would let us avoid our duty to You and our neighbor. Help us to be responsible in our attitude and behavior, obeying the commandments of love You have given. Amen.


In this week’s Gospel lesson (Luke 10:1-11, 16-20), Jesus commissions and sends out a group of followers to go to the places He intends to visit. They are to “prepare the way of the Lord” as John the Baptist did, sharing the love of God with everyone. It is an awesome thing that He trusts them to be His representatives, sharing His story with others.

Our call as followers today is the same as it was for His followers then – to go into the world and let them know that Jesus is coming. God’s children still need to hear His message of love and forgiveness, perhaps now more than ever. How will we prepare the way of the Lord?

Let God provide for you as He did for them; as He always has. Take the story of Jesus with you everywhere, for that is where He intends to go. Tell it to everyone, for everyone is who He intends to save. Our mission is to share His truth by sharing the love He has given us with all the world.

Loving Lord, we are humbled that You choose us as Your people, called to be part of Your saving work. Here we are, Lord – send us! We go out in Your name. Amen.


Then he turned to his disciples and said privately, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.”
Luke 10:23-24

Jesus tells His disciples that they have been blessed by their experiences, and that others wanted to see and hear what they had but were unable to do so. Is Jesus saying that God withholds His blessing from some people? Not exactly.

Obviously God can do whatever He wants, but we know He is loving and just. God doesn’t do things based on emotion or whims. He wouldn’t keep His gifts from anyone just because He “feels like it”. Those are human failings, and God doesn’t fail. His love and blessings are intended for everyone, but we must confess God as Lord and accept those blessings. It’s not enough to just want them.

Jesus mentions powerful people, kings and prophets, those who often count on their own strength rather than relying on God. The lesson here is that we must turn to God, placing His desires for us over our own. When we have this wonderful connection, we can receive these gifts. Our relationship with Him and others is the channel for our blessings.

Heavenly Father, we are thankful to be counted as members of Your family, and blessed to be part of Your plan for creation. Help us to use Your gifts to reach others that they too may be connected to You. Amen.


At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.”
Luke 10:21

Jesus rejoiced for this first “mission trip”, a sending out of believers to share the Good News with others. He knew that this work would be the spark that ignited the faithful to carry on His ministry of love and connection. Those who follow Jesus are all charged with bringing the world to Him by bringing the Gospel to the world.

When we share our faith with others, we have a chance to be part of this mission. It gives us all the opportunity to grow – those who share are blessed with greater understanding of God’s plan for them, those who receive are blessed with the joy of forgiveness and renewed life in God.

Christianity has been called the best pyramid scheme ever, but instead of human greed giving the benefits to those at the top, Jesus gave it all to us! His love flows down to all people in equal measure, from the first to receive Him to the most recent convert. No one is any higher than any other in His system, we are all His brothers and sisters, part of the family business. Go into the world today in the knowledge that Christ goes before us, ready to help us change the lives of others and our own.

Loving Lord, thank You for the chance to be part of Your eternal plan and Your work in the world. May we be confident workers for You. Amen.