Our scripture this morning is 2 Corinthians 5:16-18 (NLT).
So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view. How differently we know him now! This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him.
Paul’s words make us think about how we look at each other. He says we should stop evaluating each other “from a human point of view.” While this may be difficult for us, it is what Jesus did and what He asks of us. If “the old life is gone” as Paul says, we must show the world the new life we have been given.
When we accept Jesus as our savior, everything changes. We see things in a new way – our relationship with with Him, with others and what He has called us to do. If we continue to treat people as we did before, we haven’t really gotten the message.
We are given new life, another chance to be the children of God we are blessed to be. Additionally, we are now part of His plan of salvation for all people, tasked by God Himself to reconcile people to Him. We can’t do this if we still see people as competitors or enemies. Paul, who once persecuted followers of Jesus, completely changed due to his acceptance of Jesus, we can and must change as well.
Gracious God, help us to live the new lives You offer, seeing one another as brothers and sisters and sharing Your love with the world. Amen.