
Our scripture reading this week is Luke 19:28-40, telling of Jesus and His followers entering Jerusalem for the Passover celebration. There are shouts acclaiming Jesus as King and blessing His coming. People are happy but there is an undertone of concern. The religious and political establishment are afraid of things getting out of hand. Marching …


John 12:1-8 has been our lectionary study passage this week. The lectionary is a set of readings designated for each week of the year according to the liturgical season and lists an Old Testament reading, a Psalm, a Gospel lesson and an additional New Testament passage. This particular lesson from John’s Gospel has been teaching …


Please read John 12:1-8 this morning. Several times this week I have mentioned the danger of selectively reading a single verse. Now there’s absolutely nothing wrong with reading or memorizing single verses of Scripture, it’s just that without reading the whole story we may miss important parts of the lesson. Jesus has begun His final …